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Important Visiting Information 重要參觀資訊


Exhibition Date 展覽日期​

June 20-22, 2025


Opening Hours 開放時間

Jun 20-21: 11:00am - 19:00pm

Jun 22: 11:00am - 17:00pm

Exhibition Venue 展覽場地

Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo



Visiting Guide

Here are some tips for you before visiting the expo:


  1. Please complete the online pre-registration for multiple FREE entries to the expo;

  2. Browse all exhibit highlights before visiting so that you could target at your favourite items right before the event;

  3. Be updated with the fabulous concurrent activities schedule where you can find magnificent cultural performances by different countries;

  4. Make sure with the important time & date for respective activities so that you wouldn’t miss any chances of enjoying such a carnival;

  5. Contact us if you have any questions!


Wishing you an unforgettable experience for the spectacular & unique countries’ culture!



  1. 請在網上填妥觀眾登記表,開放時間內免費無限次進出會場;

  2. 瀏覽我們誠意為您準備的展品亮點,開展前先選好目標喜愛展品;

  3. 留意現場由不同國家所準備的文化表演,瀏覽同期精彩活動相關資訊;

  4. 緊記各精彩活動舉辦日期及時間,切勿錯過如此難得的嘉年華;

  5. 如有任何問題,隨時聯絡我們!



Take the virtual tour & experience local culture!  Get ready for your next destination!



Visitors include 觀眾包括:

  • Investors 投資者

  • Owners 業主

  • Developers 地產商

  • Property Management Companies 物業管理公司

  • Schools, Institutions & Universities 中小學、教育機構、大學等

  • Associations 協會

  • Students and General Public 學生及公眾



as well as all Culture Lovers!  Welcome to Visit the Largest Global Culture Carnival!


Free admission!  Please register through the below link.


Visitor Profile 目標觀眾

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